ShieAnn’s second chance

Bridgeport, CT (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

ShieAnn’s second chance

by ShieAnn Myers

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $18,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $18,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Bridgeport, CT (US)

ShieAnn Myers is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hello, My name is ShieAnn, I am 28 years old and currently in college for Registered Nurse and looking to have earned a career as a APRN midwife to help deliver babies some day. I love family but I never really had one to call my own and it’s a big thing to me that one day I’m able to give my child everything i never had (especially emotionally and mentally). As for my journey I have been battling reproductive issues since the age of 13. It started off with rupturing ovarian cysts, followed by borderline PCOS and now has landed amongst endometriosis (also known as endo). I was diagnosed with endo Jan 6, 2017 and have been through so many ups and downs since. I struggled to manage my illnesses my whole life but endo had a bigger battle planned for me that i wouldn’t wish on my enemy (infertility). May of 2018 i found out endo blocked one of my Fallopian tubes. In June of 2018 I was put on medication to regulate my cycle and eventually get me pregnant some day. It turns out June or July of 2018 i got pregnant and in August of 2018 i officially confirmed it. Up until that moment I was convinced after a year of trying and failing i couldn’t conceive. Sept 3, 2018 i was left with no other option but to receive an injection to induce a miscarriage due to me having an ectopic pregnancy (a baby growing outside of the uterus). One month later Oct 3, 2018 i swore it was all over but then my baby ruptured my tube and i was hemorrhaging. I lost my right tube and officially lost my child. At this point i was now being told my only option to conceive again is IVF but the only  problem is i can’t afford it and my insurance won’t cover it. I feared not being able to have another baby delivered safely but i never knew a greater fear would come of not having enough money to afford a procedure to become a mother. There’s nothing i want more in life than to become a mother and if i died without leaving a little me behind I’d die forever broken. Some want to be rich i just want to give my love to a little version of me. I deserve to be a mother. I just wish it were easy for me like it is for others to get pregnant. I didn’t want to do this and not sure how open to friends and family I’ll be about this funding page but I’m humbling myself to say i need help. I just want another chance to be a mom. This 18k is to pay for my in vitro fertilization (IVF) as well as medications needed throughout treatment. I plan to use these contributions to finally give myself the gift of another child. No new baby can replace the one i lost but it means that second child of mine gets to get double the love from me and that can only mean great things. I don’t come from a financially fortunate family so getting help from them isn’t possible. I’m the only one chasing a degree and crying to God daily for another chance at being a mother. I will give my child a great life but i need another chance at having a baby and IVF is my only safe option.

In advance thank you to any and everyone for all donations (even if it’s a dollar) I’m forever grateful and although i may or may not know you I send love your way because anyone who can bless me in this has gifted me a new chance at life and will forever have a special place in my heart